Europa Graphics started as a product photography and graphic design studio back in 2004. We are proud to offer the same basic product photography prices and quality year after year.
We like to believe, we have the best deals on product photography within Australia. This is based on feedback from our Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane based clients.
Do you think, we just brag and show off with such a statement? Dare us!
Why do we believe, we are better?
We do not deliver only photography, but also include all post-production work which would have to be done by a photo-retoucher or/and graphic designer, saving you the cost. We get the best out of the images. No one needs to touch it anymore, it's ready for final use.
It is fair to say that post-production takes 2 to 4 times longer than the initial photography.
(technical lingo WARNING:)
All images are shot as raw files. CR2 files are converted to DNG and then to Photoshop files.
During this conversion, we take care of white balance, colour tint, contrast, correct exposure and saturation.
Once we get the Photoshop file, the image is deep-etched or masked to ensure a pure white background (if different colour background, or spotlighting is required, we Gaussian blur and mask to get rid of all imperfections in the background).
The file is checked for correct values in highlights, shadows and mid-tones. Contrast and saturation is fine tuned to match your previous images.
Basic retouching is applied to the product itself, and the final file is sharpened. All this work is performed on 16bit files (on average, a single file with 8 layers would have the size between 120-150MB).
Converting JPGs for the web isn't that much of a deal. Resolution is dropped down, sRGB (instead of Adobe RGB) colour profile is applied, and most importantly a different level of sharpening is used to punch up the image.
Sometimes there are issues when converting hi-res CMYK files for off-set print (especially bright over-saturated colours). To ensure the colour shift is minimised, we fine tune selective colours manually image by image.
Of course, there is always a way not to worry about any of the above and just shoot JPGs, let the camera do its job, and hope for the best.
If you choose this, and you are happy with the outcome, good for you, you have likely saved a bit of money.
We like to stay in charge, consistently delivering images as good as technically and creatively possible.
That's why we offer a package with post-production. If we don't fit a client's budget, we rather choose not to take the job, than cut corners.
In the end, our reputation is based on the quality of our product.
All images are stored as backed up copies on our server for a duration of 2 years, to offer you extra piece of mind.